
I want to run?!?!

Another 2lbs lost :D Woo Hoo!

I decided I would walk to the shopping centre instead of getting the bus. It took me about an hour to walk, but it felt good as I was doing something good for my body & a few weeks ago I could only just about walk to the end of my road let alone walk the 2 miles I had just walked. I felt a lil sore the next day but decided to walk to the shopping centre again. It only took me 45 mins this time. Progress!

By Monday I felt quite sore, but decided to go for a walk on my lunch break anyway as it would be dark when I got home & I don't like going out in the dark. I planned the walk & off I set. It was hard work to keep going & I forgot to take any fluids to keep me hydrated. By the time I got back I was so thirsty I felt I could collapse. I guzzled down 250ml water & felt much better. Here began my exercise programme for the week.

The rest of the week went ok & I manage 4 out of 5 days walking at lunchtime. I decide to take Friday off & go out Saturday instead as I'd have more time & energy.

Its a saturday morning & I'm reading through the posts on the forum of my weight loss website. I see lots of people are runners & I feel so full of energy this morning that I feel like going for a run. What? I hated running at school & now I want to run? Oh well gotta listen to my body. I make sure I eat a good breakfast & let it go down. I then get a bottle of squash & my walkman phone ready. I find a neckchain for the keys so I don't loose them. Put on my trainers & I'm ready & raring to go.

I get outside & its a sunny day which makes me smile. I put my music on & start to walk. I had previously read I need to warm up my muscles first so walking seemed to be working. When I feel ready I start to jog. It feels good so I pick up the pace a bit. I can only run between 2 lamposts before I have to stop & walk, but I am running & it feels good & I haven't run since seconary school & even then I was crap coz I never got proper training as to how to run properly. I run past some workman who smile at me. I smile back which actually made me want to run more. I daren't look behind me incase they are laughing, so I just keep going & it makes me feel good that someone smiled at me. I get a little past them & have to stop running so I carry on walking to the end of the road. I turn a corner then start to run again until I get to a hill going up. I walk up the hill then enter the park I had discovered last week when I had gone out for my first proper walking adventure. I walk around the park then walk back home. I run half way down my road then walk the rest. I sit on the wall outside our flat trying to cool down & catch my breath. After a minute I go inside & just flop on the sofa exhaulsted, but feeling so proud of myself & shocked for actually running!

On sunday I rest zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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