
Lettuce & plums

First of all I would like to add Lettuce & plums to my list of fruit n veg I will eat now. I'm not sure if I would go as far as to say I like them, but I will eat them.

I woke up one morning this week & thought about having a bacon Sandwich. Then I thought about what to have with it. Then I thought about Lettuce. So I went to the supermarket & brought some bacon & Lettuce as well as the rest of my weekly shopping. I was in the supermarket for 2 hours reading food labels & trying to get the lowest calorific products. By the time I got home it was nearly time for dinner, so I thought theres no point making the bacon sandwich now & to save it for another day. Instead I had a glass of Tropical Tropicana Multivitamins fruit Juice to keep me going & set about making dinner.

After dinner I decided I would have the bacon Sandwich for breakfast the next day & that is what I did. It was delisious. I only used a lil Lettuce as my brain was telling me I wouldn't like it, but I couldn't really taste it actually not with the wholemeal bread, butter & bacon tastes aswell. When I got home from work I had Lettuce with my Toad in the hole instead of the usual beans & actually ate a whole lot more than I did in the morning & again couldn't taste it. It filled me up too which I didn't think it would do.

The following evening I made cheesy pasta with Leeks & pancetta for dinner. Now instead of my usual 100g of pasta, Lots of cheese & sauce with tinest veg, I had 50g Wholewheat Pasta, 28g cheese portion of reduced fat cheese, 1/4 pint skimmed milk, tsp butter & wholemeal flour, 100g leeks, half a box pancetta, half a garlic bread & 80g Lettuce. This came out as about 657 claories, Although it might seen high to some people, I was impressed as I had everything I wanted to eat in that meal & it was less than 700 calories. Usually my dinners come to about that without the garlic bread so I never get to eat it. I thought this might me the case, hence why I limited the pasta to 50g.

Anyways tonight we have a guest joining us for dinner, soI am making a curry. I have Chicken, Carrots, Potatoes, onions, Rice & a reduced fat Tikka Masala Sauce as the ingredients. This will be the first time I am using vegetables in a curry, so I'll let you know what it turns out like. Wish me Luck!

I decided to ditch eating with the kids at Lunchtime at work & stick to bringing my own food for Lunch. I had an apple, Banana, Pear, Yogurt & tracker bar yesterday & an hour later I was thinking about food again. Not exactly sure what caused me wanting food an hour after eating. I actually think it was just the sight of food & if I managed to hold out til dinner without being starving then I must not of been hungry. Anyways I had a drink & felt better. Still wanted food, but not as much. After the food had gone & it was back to the stress of having kids running riot I didn't think of food, so it was possibly boredom that caused it. Anyways I managed to resist the urge to eat & held out til I got home to have my dinner.

Seeing adverts on TV for food today make me want to eat too I noticed. I am also at home thinking about what I can eat. My stomach is not hungry & still feels full, so I must be bored. Think I'll go for a walk. Might make me stop thinking about food.

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